How to Take Professional Product Photography?

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How to Take Professional Product Photography?

Professional product photography has an important place in the photography profession. Anyone can take pictures. However; Taking professional product photography requires knowledge and experience. For this, first of all, information on the subject should be obtained. Because professional product photography includes many details. After a detailed research, it is possible to shoot a product professionally by making experiments with the right information.

Such information is given in detail in photography education. Of course, a certain experience is reached by taking photographs over time. These test shots help photographers apply their knowledge and gain the right perspectives.

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profesyonel ürün fotoğraf çekimi nasıl yapılır?

Complete and Correct Equipment

The first step is about equipment. For professional photography of products, the photographer must have complete and correct equipment. For this, a detailed research should be done. Equipment begins to be completed with a camera of a quality and reliable brand.


It is useful to use a tripod for photography. The product must be photographed steadily. However; Since the camera is handheld, hand shake will occur no matter how careful you are. This prevents the picture from coming out clear. This problem is circumvented by using a tripod. With this, photos are taken more clearly. There are many tripod options for both smartphones and cameras. Among these options, the most suitable one is preferred.

Multiple Shots

Different angles and positions are very important when photographing products. Few photos always mean risk. Because there is a possibility that the photos taken will not turn out well. Therefore, more frames should be taken than needed. Customers want to make detailed examinations on the products during their shopping. In order to meet the expectations of the customers, there should be photos of the product taken from different angles.

It is very important to present the product with all angles, details and positions, since the product is only offered through photographs in online shopping. In this, alternatives should be obtained by taking more than one photo. Thus, it is possible to choose the best among the alternatives. However, customer satisfaction is also achieved by providing the best photo.

Background Selection

One of the most important subjects in professional product photography is the background. Due to the wrong backgrounds used in some products, the product becomes blurred. Sometimes, colorful and mixed backgrounds are preferred. It is thought that this background will make the product more attractive. However; this is not true. It is difficult to see the details of the product on such backgrounds and it is not possible to focus the attention on the product. All attention is focused on the background. For this reason, it is recommended to choose plain colors in background selections. A plain color different from the product should be preferred so that the product stands out more.

Lightbox Usage

Light boxes designed for visuals that receive light from all angles should be used. Thanks to the light boxes, there are no shadowy areas around the product in the product photos. This makes the photos of the product much more attractive and flawless. Light boxes are not preferred because they are costly. However, it has an important place in professional product photography.

Studio Lighting

In general, studio light is preferred over natural lights. There are many reasons for this. The most important reason is that studio lights are much more consistent than natural lights. While the natural light changes throughout the day, the studio lights can stay the same and can be adjusted at any time.

The following are recommended for studio lights;

  • Adjustments should be made very carefully.
  • It should be ensured that the light reaches the product from the right angle.
  • Several light sources can be used together.
  • Light type and features should be preferred according to the product. Thus, the right environment can be captured for the product in question.
  • 3 different light sources can be preferred. It can provide the ideal light environment. In this way, the shadow areas on the product are reduced and the photo comes out much more professional.

It is important to experiment to set all this up correctly. After a few tries it becomes much easier to adjust the studio lights to the product.

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profesyonel ürün fotoğraf çekimi nasıl yapılır?

Natural Lights

  • Natural lights are indispensable for some photographers. However; If natural lights are to be used in product photography, the photographer needs to know some aspects.
  • When photographing in natural light, the photographer must constantly change angles. As the sun changes position according to the time of day, the entire setup adjusts accordingly.
  • It is more difficult to get good shots, especially on non-sunny days.
  • Therefore, this will both extend the shooting time of the photographer and make the shooting more difficult.

For this, the photographer needs to evaluate the time intervals very well and take positions suitable for the time intervals. If these issues are taken into consideration, professional product photos can be easily taken with natural light.

One Product One Photo

One of the mistakes made is to put two or three products in a photo. There is confusion about which photo to look at in such photos. If there are two or three products, these products are usually presented in the same photo frame. However, this grouping is not recommended. People will be surprised at which product to look at. It causes confusion. For this reason, a single product should be included in a photographic frame.

Thus, all the details of the product are displayed from different angles. At the same time, the fact that a product is alone in a photo frame allows the customer to focus all his attention on the product. In other words, a more professional presentation will be made. If two or three products are to be photographed, separate shots should be taken for these products. Adjustments are made according to the characteristics of those products and their shooting is carried out.

Editing Software

Editing software provides great benefits in professional photo shoots. Editing software can be costly, and there are many free editing software available in the market. A lot of software is easily accessible over the internet. These can be used. These software make product photos much more beautiful and make them look more professional.
